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02/10/2017 No
  • Mortgage
  • FHA mortgage
  • Application, originator, mortgage broker
  • TX
  • 75089
I was in the process of getting a home loan and was referred to this loan officer by my realtor. The loan office went missing in action many times when we were dealing with time sensitive issues. I was given excuse after excuse for why we were left in the dark. She gave me multiple dates to show up at closing when my file I found out was not even out of underwriting. I understand closing dates getting pushed back but not when we are told to show up at closing multiple times with no result. I was told a certain amount would be charged to my debit card for appraisal and I was charged {$65.00} more than I consented and was not given an explanation. She had me pay for a rush appraisal to close on time and it was not needed because we were never gon na close on the date she said. The real reason for the complaint is the lack of communication and us almost losing our home loan. When I gave the company a bad review XXXX XXXX ( the loan officer ) sent me the nastiest text message and threatened to pull our loan if I did not take down the review. I contacted her boss immediately and she was so embarrassed. After I sent her boss the txt messages she told me that was the most unethical thing she has ever seen and was very sorry. XXXX, the owner of Rowlett Mortgage then took over my loan and took care of us. XXXX also made it right on the charges that should not have been on my debt card so kuddos to the owner of this company. I felt attacked in her txt message and she was using all my personal info that she had collected for my loan to attack me. She talked about my finances and my divorce and this is someone that I trusted with my loan and my personal info I have no clue who else she has shared my personal stuff with. My husband was freaking out because we were suppose to finally close the next day and he thought she was going to pull our loan so I bit my tongue and sent an apology txt to her just to save face but I only did that so my family would have a home to move into. I lost my old home in a XXXX and buying a home was suppose to be a good happy time. XXXX gave us broken promises, threats, and used our personal info in our file to threaten me. On top of all of this nobody ever went over my loan with me. I did not know I was paying points to buy down the interest rate until I went to closing. I was quoted the rate but did not know I was paying for it.