BSJW CFPB Complaints

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2000 Latest Complaints
Date Received Timely Response Product Issue State / Zip Submitted Via Tags
11/15/2022 No
  • Debt collection
  • Other debt
  • Took or threatened to take negative or legal action
  • Seized or attempted to seize your property
  • FL
  • 33027
I have been a tenant of XXXX XXXX since XXXX in XXXX Florida. My lease in not up until XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX. XXXX XXXX apparently needs the home vacated immediately for a business transaction that it needs to complete and is forcing me and my family out of our home. This is not an issue regarding me not wanting or able to pay. Monthly contracted payments have been deposited at the Court registry as they have directed me to do. XXXX XXXX has a proven pattern to remove families from their homes for various reasons : needing to sell the house, not wanting to make required repairs, needing to raise the rent to be increase profits, etc. XXXX XXXX bets on the fact that most families are not financially able to fight against their illegal practice of breaching contracts, and so they prefer to take their chances in eviction court. If the issue goes to court, then XXXX XXXX will settle with the family to get rid of them. This result would be considered a " win '' for XXXX XXXX because they were ultimately able to breach their contract with the forced agreement of the family. XXXX XXXX has the highest rate of evictions in this region, and most likely the highest in the nation because of this illegal practice. Even after suing me for not wanting to break my lease and moving out immediately, XXXX Homes continue to call and harass me on the phone to threaten me that if I do not agree to sign an agreement and move out within 7 days that the sheriff may come to my house and put my belongings in the street. About a week, prior to them suing me, XXXX XXXX, the XXXX XXXX XXXX stated that he would be sending me a proposed agreement. The proposed agreement never materialized from XXXX XXXX. XXXX XXXX has lied about making required repairs or plans to make repairs. Invitation XXXX did not disclose the major, continuing maintenance issues that they have had with the house prior to me moving in. Apparently, XXXX XXXX ' objective was to get the house into the rental market as quickly as possible. Please stop XXXX XXXX from its unlawful and immoral practices within our community. When greed becomes more important than commitments, then XXXX Homes must be held accountable to the negative consequences of its actions. I do not have anywhere to immediately relocate prior to my contract coming to term and will not become a victim of XXXX XXXX ' illegal practices.